Belem is the city located in the mouth of Amazon, in the north of Brazil, that is municipality and administrative center of the state Para.
It is accepted to consider the date of founding of city on January, 12, 1616, on this day the Portuguese military expedition pawned in the mouth of Amazon a fortress becoming farther more the Portuguese outpost in this region of Brazil.
Belem name a gate in Amazonia. At once after bridges the impassable forests of delta of the grand river of the world begin across the river Guama.
Founded by Portuguese as early as the XVI century, a city saved tracks of history in the numerous old houses and building of quite unbelievable architecture (mostly tumbledown).
In Belem interesting for a visit tourists and guests of city building of the General staff, municipal central cathedral built in baroque, market of Ver Us Pezus (it is considered the greatest not only in a region but also in a country), basilica of Di Nasare, fortress of Kachtelu (XVI century), medieval municipal cathedral (1748 year), church of Igreya de Marses (1640 year), numerous museums in a park Emiliu Goeldi.
In a neighborhood of city there are quite a bit first-class beaches - Oteyrus, Farrol, Urubyra, Fribambas, San Francichku, Baya di Sol, and also great number of river and marine islands known from that – Maraju (fully occupied by ecological reserve).
The tourists and guests of city it is offered to similarly merrily to spend time in numberless restaurants and cafe, greater part from that takes place under open-skies on the streets of city.
Similarly will be glad to host and numerous hotels cities among that most known and differ in an enhanceable comfort - Dieva di Napoli, Guaranis, Arisika and many other.