Fortaleza is the capital of the state Siera to Brazil. It is amodern city, where on a background wonderful beaches impertinent modernbuilding appear with high coconut trees. This place famously by the settlementsof fishermen and pilgrimage of surfers.
Fortaleza - one of the most ancient Braziliancities. Her name means a "fortress" word for word.
In 1603 by Portuguese Pero Coelho fort of SanTiagu was here built for protecting from Dutchmen coveting on these earth. Inthe first ten-day period of the XVII century not far away were lined up 2fortresses fort Voyage Магос and fort of Saint of Sebastian. During the XVIIcentury on these earth and to off-shore ocean waters permanent local wars wentwith Dutchmen. In 1823 found status of city the decree of emperor of Brazil DonPedro I Fortaleza. In our time Fortaleza - one of the largest and clean citiesof Brazil.
The most modern districts of Fortaleza withnumerous pitch houses are located at the coast of ocean. Here sandy beaches aredissociated from ten of high hotels and office building by a rather narrowstreet.
A tourist boom in Fortaleza began in 80th of ХХof century. Off-shore boroughs for this time changed considerably. It was linedup many modern hotels, restaurants, shops.
The economy of Fortaleza tourism plays a largerole, but similarly a considerable profit is brought by trade, processing ofuseful minerals, fishing. Cultural center of city - Dragao du Mar. Dragao duMar a "marine dragon" means literally. The name a cultural center gotin honour the nickname of famous seaman Francisko du Nasimento. In 1881Fransisco Jlze was leaders of motion of seamen that struck againsttransportation of slaves. Motion of abolitionists (fighters for liberationof slaves), was especially strong in Fortaleza.
The state Sierra was the first province inBrazil, where slavery was anniented justly.
A cultural center Dragao du Mar was created in1998. Here on territory over 30 thousand кв.метров is situated a few thematicmuseums. Among them is Memorial of Culture of Searense, Museum of art, theatreand cinema, planetarium. On Sundays the included in Memorial and Museum of artis free. Fortaleza as well as other cities of northeast of Brazil, famous thefolk trades. Masters make wares from fabric, tree, glass, coconut, sand (sandycompositions are in vials), therefore it is here needed to visit the market offolk trades.
Fortaleza surrounds 25 kilometres ofbeaches. Greater part of beaches is in city boundaries, next to the animateddistricts. But 2 famous beaches - Kanoa Kebrada and Gioakoara is located insome removal. They use a fame not only due to affectionate beach-combers andmultikilometre sandy spaces, but also because it is here possible to admireuntouched landscape of exotic nature.