Recife is the capital of the state Pernambuku in Brazil. It is a city on the coast of ocean that for beauty and abundance of channels and bridges is named "Brazilian Venice". Literally, name of city, in translation from Portuguese means a "reef". Here the whole colonies of coral reefs sprout in ocean waters.
Popular style of Brazilian music and dance was created in this city - frevo. In February, 2008 the habitants of Recife with a scope celebrated the century of this musical direction becoming one of symbols of the state Pernambuku.
Recife is the ancient city founded by Dutchmen on the coast of South America. Afterwards, Portuguese began to own a city. The history of city saturated by events is easily read in the whole quarters of ancient building, built as early as XVII - XVII eyelids and saved to our days.
Today the economy of Recife differs in a variety. The profit of region is made by the production of sugar, information technologies, medical service, education, commerce, tourism. There is one of leading ports of Brazil in city.
Most popular among tourists is a district of Boa Viagen. The name of district in translating into English means a "successful trip". 7 kilometres of beaches are here located with natural pools.
In Boa Viage the habitants of Recife like to conduct week-ends. The here put right tourist infrastructure and tired traveller will be always able to rest in one of cafes, bite and have a drink the fresh chilled cocolait.
In Recife it is possible to look Kasa da Kultura is an ancient snow-white palace, Fort du Brum is the fortress built by Portuguese in 1629, monument of Mangi Bit and to visit the museum of modern art of Alisio Mageliaesa. In a historical center Recife most interesting is a street of Kind Jesus and area Marko Zero. Building of the last centuries was here saved almost fully. From an area Marko Zero can leave on a boat in Park of Sculptures, where among greenery many sculptures of the known Brazilian sculptor Brennand are located. Park of May, 13 - the greatest in Recife.
Here is a zoo, where it is possible to look varicoloured macaws, monkeys and other exotic animals.
A climate is typical for this region of Brazil, there is not a season of rains on this coast. Temperature of air the whole year round 28-30 degrees.
To reach to the tourist or guest to Recife very simply: flight from Rio de Jeneiro in Recife will occupy about two with a half hours, from San Paulu - approximately so much, journey on a car from Rio de Jeneiro - about 29 hours, from San Paulu - about 33 hours.
Holiday-makers, tourists and guests of city, are waited by the unforgettable impressions from a stay in this fairy-tale city.