Cabo Frio is the small city in Brazil, located in 122 kilometres from Rio de Jeneiro.His name is translated as Cold Cape. Here during throughout the year a weatheris friendly to rest, but the best time - from October for April. Abundance ofholidays and real disorderly conduct of resilient person - from December forApril.
Countless great number of centuries backAmerican Indians lived here. Memory of the first inhabitants of these places isperpetuated in the name of one of sublimities of city - Morro dos Indios, thatin translating into the English language means the "hill of AmericanIndians".
In 1503 of banks Cabo Frio attained AmerigoVespucci, accomplishing the round-the-world voyage. In XVI - XVII eyelids afight went between Portugal, France and Holland for possessing these earth. Thefirst permanent settlement of Portuguese on the banks of bay of Arauramaappeared in 1615. His habitants were 400 persons of jesuitic missionaries andbaptizee American Indians. A settlement was named Santa Elena du Cabo Frio. In1620 here the Portuguese fishermen began to transmigrate, marine port was laterbuilt.
In XIX and ХХ eyelids Cabo Frio became one ofthe regions specialized on the booty of salt in Brazil.
Now Cabo Frio is the prosperous resort cityknown as one of the capitals of the world surfing. Surprisingly beautifulnature, clean ocean waters, abundance of beaches and developed touristinfrastructure, do rest here by veritable pleasure. Cabo Frio is excellent forbeach rest and surfing.
Near a city, 15 kilometres ofbeaches extend on the coast of bay of Araurama. It is possible to engage insurfing and кайтсерфингом in any place on these beaches. The best place forengaging in this type of sport is a beach before the lagoon of Hukipa Gardens.This place, also befits and for the ordinary surfing. In 15 minutes of walkingfrom поусады there is a lagoon too excellent for кайтинга, and besides therenot deeply.
There is the greatest museum of surfing ofLatin America in Cabo Frio. Annually different festivals and unseasonedcarnivals settle down in this wonderful small town. There is mass of places inCabo Frio, where it is possible perfectly to eat up, in majority from themdishes are given in style "Cabo". Mainly, it is dishes from freshsaltwater fish, and also a typical meal in Brazil is rice and kidney bean withspices.
A stay and rest in Cabo Frio will bring mass ofpleasure to the guests and tourists of this small on measurements of Braziltown. Visiting Cabo Frio yet long will remember him and delight in clean saltwater and sunny beaches.