Belo Horizonte is the capital of the state Minas Gerais inBrazil. A city is in central part of the South-east region of Brazil, in thedistance 335 kilometres from Rio de Janeiro. The name Belo Horizontein translation from Portuguese means "wonderful horizon".
A city is surrounded by thickly becoming over the forest hillsgoing away to sky. Belo Horizonte got status of city in 1897, after 8 after proclamationof Brazil a republic. Ancient settlement of Arayal du Kurral Del Rey in the endthe XIX century it was select, to become the capital of the state Minas Gerais- industrial region remote from an ocean coast. In place of settlement a citythat it was aimed to do maximally rational and modern was built.
Belo Horizonte differs in direct streets, quadrangularquarters approximately identical areally. It is the first city in Brazil, thatwas erected according to plan. Becoming the capital of the state, at first hewas named Sidade de Minas. The name Belo Horizonte became firmly established in1906.
Presently Belo Horizonte is a modern city, with by a greatnumber snow-white pitch building. In the center of city it is possible to seethe houses of whimsical outlines of futurism architecture, created on theprojects of Oskar Nimeyra and palaces built in the end XIX, - beginning of ХХof centuries.
Belo Horizonte - one the most meaningful business-centers ofBrazil. And yet it is a considerable tourist center. The historical museum ofAbilio Bareto, Palace of Freedom, museum of Arts of Pampulia, interesting here,that takes place in бышем building the casino built on the project of famousarchitect Oskar Nimeyra - more than 900 works of бразиских artists andsculptors, museum of Mineralogy, are collected in a museum. And a zoologicaland botanical garden in Belo Horizonte occupies territory 1.500.000 meters.
In окресностях cities there are many cities-museums that alsovery популянры among the guests of city.
In absence of beaches and seashore of Belo Horizonte notdeprived enhanceable interest in him from the side of tourists and guests ofBrazil. In city very much sights and interesting places. The visit of BeloHorizonte will always leave a tourist for him pleasant remembrances and putaside in memory on long time.